Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Identity, Data and Assets

The First Wilshire Team takes extra steps to ensure our clients data is secure but it’s always a good idea for individuals to be aware of common cyber threats, how cyber-criminals use stolen data and best practices for protecting your data. The following presentation provides useful information on protecting your identity, data and assets.

• This report is for informational purposes only.
• The data included in this report was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither First Wilshire Securities Management nor any of its affiliates have independently verified any of the statistical data included in this presentation.
• This presentation is not a solicitation to purchase or sell any specific securities

Thank you for your trust in First Wilshire and we assure you we are devoted to deserving that trust.

(626) 796-6622 •

The following is for informational purposes only. All statistical information has been obtained from publicly available sources. However, FWSM has not independently verified any of the statistical information included in the report. This information is not intended to be a solicitation or recommendation of any security.